Let's stay motivated
Jan 24, 2023
Greetings from a winter wonderland!
This is Mimmi writing, I thought I share some of what we are up to here at Moonvalley and send you off with some thoughts and ideas. Here in the Alps snow has finally arrived and with that so has winter cross training with skimo and nordic skiing for me. This period has been all about adapting to the weather conditions. I have been doing some basic milage running and this has been on every possible surface, muddy trail, tarmac, ice, snow, and even treadmill. Some days have been more about getting out than actual training benefits because of the horrible running conditions.
But there is value in that too, getting the work done, keeping good habits. I know this is a harsh time of year, in Sweden we refer to the period from epiphany and 2 months on to as the ”ox-weeks” for just that reason. It is cold, dark, no holidays coming up and a lot of work to be done.
This is Mimmi writing, I thought I share some of what we are up to here at Moonvalley and send you off with some thoughts and ideas. Here in the Alps snow has finally arrived and with that so has winter cross training with skimo and nordic skiing for me. This period has been all about adapting to the weather conditions. I have been doing some basic milage running and this has been on every possible surface, muddy trail, tarmac, ice, snow, and even treadmill. Some days have been more about getting out than actual training benefits because of the horrible running conditions.
But there is value in that too, getting the work done, keeping good habits. I know this is a harsh time of year, in Sweden we refer to the period from epiphany and 2 months on to as the ”ox-weeks” for just that reason. It is cold, dark, no holidays coming up and a lot of work to be done.

It might seem like doom and gloom but I love this metaphor and period! I embrace this “grind” mentality and just lover my head like an ox and get the work done. Making sure I have sound habits like good nutrition and sleep (yes, that means going to bed early…) helps too.
I imagine that these ox-weeks will set me up real good for what’s to come in the spring and this makes it almost fun. Almost… Seriously, we can’t expect to have fun all the time, some periods are just about grinding it out. If I had to choose between fun and content I would choose feeling content every time. And contentment does not thrive on fun and festivities, it thrives on hard work and self respect. So these weeks are the perfect time to fill up on discipline, grit and self respect.
Anyway, we all sure need some extra motivation too, and our amazing ambassador Anthony Boucard has made a beautiful and inspiring short film about just these things. Finding motivation and grit in your not so glamorous everyday life and trying. Check it out here!

And the other founders, well, Ida and Emelie are enjoying winter in Moonvalley, Norway. Lots of hours chasing the sun on skis and some additional running. They seem to be having a great time building up basic training hours in combination having fun with some faster running.
Big days of training requires big eating, so we all make sure we stay on top of our nutrition. Fuling for the work required is the recipe for success in training! And in the winter it can actually be a bit deceiving, you do not always feel as thirsty or hungry in training but burn through so much calories.
One great way to stay on top of nutrition in the winter training is drinking something warm. This is a long tradition in Scandinavia, we all had hot blueberry soup while skiing growing up. That and hot chocolate afterwards (stay tuned for that one…) Inspired by this tradition we made our sports drink so that it is just as good warm as cold. And I tell you, hot blueberry/raspberry drink on a mountain top is the best.
All the best and keep going! from Mimi and the rest of the Moonvalley team! ❤️