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December- The month of darkness and coziness!

December- The month of darkness and coziness!

Emelie here!

Even though many of us can dread the dark months up here in Norway, I try to embrace them. The go by so fast, and these are the perfect months to slow down, find a good rhythm and be prepared for the spring. I often take some time during November or December to do more yoga, more strength and some weeks with much less screentime. I often put my phone in one place and have 1-2 hours per day when I intentionally work with the phone and the computer. This is like a rest for the mind! Much less dopamine kicks, so the system learns to calm down.

With the few hours of light, it´s also such a treat to be able to go out skiing in daylight, and for my growing belly, skiing is so gentle. I love to be able to still be out there!

Ida is in a good training time of the year, the time when she can do many hours on both skis, running and strength - and Ida is thriving when she can count many hours training! 

Mimmi is slowly but surely getting back into running, and it´s so nice to see!

The three of us will meet in a few days which we have not been able to do for a long time!

December is the month of saffronbuns ❤️

I love to be able to create cozy traditions with the girls. Breakfast with saffron buns and warm cocoa is a treat for them for sure. For the saffron buns I used this recipe:

175 g butter

6 dl milk

1.5 g saffron

2 dl coconut sugar

1 kg flour ( I used sheat, rye and buckwheat)

Dry yeast

Melt the butter, add milk and then all the ingredients.

Let rise for some hours.

Form the buns! Glaze with milk or egg. Add raisins! ( Animal based milk and butter works too for this recipe!) 

For half of the dough I made almond cream swirls, same technique as cinnamon swirls, and the cream was homemade almond paste ( I used 100 gram of almonds and a spoon of sugar, mixed until a cream, and added a little melted butter on the dough with the almond paste)

Let rise again for about 10-15 minutes, and then bake at 220C for 6-8 minutes.


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