Emelies plant-based journey - part 1
Nov 23, 2022
As you might know we as a brand are plant-based. We all believe that organic and sustainable grown plants are the best for us and the planet. On this blog post I will tell you my beliefs and history when it comes to nutrition! I´m only speaking on my own behalf, Emelie writing this time!
When I was 14 years old I choose science in school with orientation environmental sustainability. That became my favorite subject in school, which also lead me to my biology and environmental studies at the University.
I became a vegetarian, as I realized it was something that I as an individual could do, in favor for the planet. At that time my own journey to try to live as close to my vision begun. I believe we all do that, but we are all very different, living situation, environment situation, time, ideologies, the list never ends. I guess what I want to try to inspire people to do, is to just be more conscious about choosing food, prioritizing, all depending on, as mentioned earlier, life situations.
I truly believe that no one supports the standardized meat and dairy industry. I truly believe we don´t want animals to suffer, our planet to thrive, and without a systemic change that is really hard, even though everyone of us can make our own changes.
I can understand the charm and belief in living more as our ancestor have done when it comes to eating animals. But when people are saying that it makes more sense eating meat from the area than buying dried lentils from the south, it´s just not for me.
I want to inspire people to eat more plant-base, that is for sure, but mostly, to make the best choice for the individual you are!
Tell me, how is your beliefs in this subject?
Next post will be about pregnancy while eating plant-based, my own experience and what I learnt.