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Ida Recaps Western States

Ida Recaps Western States

The first half of the summer passed quickly for me as my main focus was Western States 100 miles race at the end of June in California. I stayed up in a place I go often, Flagstaff, Arizona on 2,100 meters (6,890 ft) elevation to prepare for the race. It is an ideal place to train since Flagstaff has both altitude and heat that time of year.

I had a few major wakeup calls in the training leading up to the race where training runs did not go according to plan at all. I had been heat training the whole winter with biking and running on a treadmill in a down jacket and rain clothes, so I felt I could take heat very well and was sweating a lot and well to cool myself down while running in 40°C (104°F). What I did not get right was how much fluid and electrolytes I lost during long runs in heat and altitude. I needed so much more fluid and salt than I thought. I had some very bad bonks and dizzy experiences in the lead-up to the race. A big focus for me at the race was to get these things right and run a smart race.

I am usually a person who like to race as soon as the gun goes off, but I realize that now I needed to be smart to have a good race. I planned with much more salt per hour, fluid, 80 grams carbs per hour and to always fill up my bag with ice plus an ice hat to keep my body temperature down. I managed really well with my plan and I never felt over heated or cramping in the race and I could finish the last 35K strong. I was running my best here during the whole day! I managed to get under 17 hours and break the Masters Record and placed 6th in a very competitive race.

TIP: If you feel that you are suffering or bonking on long hot efforts, look into how much salt and fluid you are taking in, not just carbohydrates since that could be part of the problem. Our Sports Drink is perfect for rehydrating and gaining those electrolytes.

Since the race I have stayed mostly at home and enjoying the summer here in Norway with nice summer temperatures. I took some time completely off from training and went to a yoga and meditation retreat. Now I have started to train again to see if it´s possible for me to come back and run UTMB later on this summer.

I hope that all of you are having a fun, relaxing, beautiful summer with lots of running and other adventures.


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