Embracing Autumn: Reflections, Racing, and New Beginnings
Sep 25, 2023
Ida here! I always say that I would like to have two September each year (OK, maybe two May as well) and some other months could be taken away instead.
It’s half a joke, but I truly love this month. The weather is usually still nice and warm, but you get the first crispness in the air and it starts to get dark again in the evenings and early mornings. After a hectic summer, the fall arrives with its calm structured energy with a hint of newness, freshness and restart.

At the moment I enjoy being back home in Norway again after a lot of traveling and racing for several months. I had some good and some bad race results, but overall I’m very happy with this season. It’s the first time since 2018 that I have had consistency and have been racing and training well for an entire year.
For the people who have been dealing with injuries or other problems for long periods of time, I want to say that in the moment it might seem like it will last forever, but if you keep trying and are not willing to give up, good healthy times will come again!
For the people who have been dealing with injuries or other problems for long periods of time, I want to say that in the moment it might seem like it will last forever, but if you keep trying and are not willing to give up, good healthy times will come again!
I think that autumn is a much more motivating time than the beginning of January to get into new routines or to take up old good routines again. What do I want to make more space for in my life? What do I spend time on that doesn’t make my life any better?

Finally, I want to thank everyone who joined us for the Moonvalley run or came by our stand in Chamonix during the UTMB week! It’s always great to meet in person!
I wish everyone a beautiful autumn!
Ida & The Moonvalley Team ❤️